
Showing posts from March, 2018

Sapiens - A brief history of mankind - Yuval Noah Harrari

Sapiens (A brief history of mankind) by Yuval Noah Harrari Years before the present (2018) - 13.5 Bn - Matter, energy, time and space came into being - Big Bang - Story of these fundamental features called  Physics After 30k yrs - Matter and energy started to coalesce into complex structure called atoms, which then combined  to form molecules - Story of interaction of atoms and molecules called Chemistry 4.5 Bn - Formation of Planet Earth 3.8 Bn - On earth certain molecules combined to form large and intricate structures called organism - Biology 6 Mn - Last common grandmother of humans and chimpanzees 2.5 Mn - Evolution of genus Homo in Africa and first stone tools 2 Mn - Humans spread from Africa to Eurasia. Evolution of different human species. 500,000 - Neanderthals evolve in Europe and Middle East 300,000 - Daily usage of fire 200,000 - Homo Sapiens evolves in East Africa About 70k years ago - Homo sapiens started to form even elaborate structures