
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

 The Grapes of Wrath - by John Steinbeck The story revolves around the Joad family, during the time of great American depression. The family moves away from Oklahoma after loosing all of their land to banks, whose loan they can’t repay. They are joined by Tom Joad, a convict of murder and John Casey a preacher. They pack, sell all other stuff and move to the promised land of California due to availability of work via road. While on road they realise they are not the only one but seems like entire population along with family is moving the same way in search of work. After arriving they realise that proportion of worker to work is large, due to which the land owners are offering unreasonable wages and exploiting. The migrants due to hunger of the family have no option but to accept any wages as long as they are paid, using which they can buy food. They migrants depict the principles of hard-work, honour and strength during setback. During the time even a good meal becomes difficult