The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro

The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro

The story is told from the perspective of Butler Mr Stevens of Darlington Hall.

It starts when Mr. Steven's new employer during his planned visit to America for few weeks, proposes to take few days off and visit the beautiful countryside in his Ford, while he is away in America for few weeks. Mr. Stevens ponders over the offer and eventially accepts as this presents him the oppertunity to meet his old housekeeper and offer her pervious role. Ms. Kenton since married have been living with her husband, but recently they have been writing to each other. It was from these letters that Mr. Stevens deduced that her married life is not going that well and she might have hinted to rejoin. The story is a memoir of Mr. Stevens journey of few days from Darlington hall to meet Ms Kenton, during which he remembers the old memories, his relationsips with Ms Kenton and Mr Darlington and various incidents.

At that time in greate houses there were Butlers, whoses job was to administer entire house activities with the help of team with specific tasks assgined. The Butler's worth was derived from the reputation of the house in whihc he was working. Mr. Darlington was an influential person in those days, hence lot of important political and non political people visited the house. For a Butler, the 'dignity' was the most important character. Butler no matter what should go about his job in a composed manner, the convenience of him employer and his wishes are over and above all, even personal relationships. Ex - When Mr. Stevens father was on the verge of death, he was still attending the guests which were deemed important by Mr. Darlington. When Ms Kenton's aunt died, Mr. Stevens was again attending important guests of the house.

Ms. Kenton was young, energetic and efficient house keeper. She did try to enlighten the mood of Mr. Stevens by presenting flowers in his chambers, but he was too uptight as it did not comply with the traditional imgae of a Butler. They often has altecations about many things bu the house never suffered due to that. Ms Kenton has feeling for Mr Stevens but either he did not acknowledge it or did not understand that fully. Ms Kenton on several occasions expected personal touch, but for Mr. Stevens it was always the house on the first priority.  Eventully she meets a person and decided to marry, but before taking that decision she informs Mr. Stevens and expects some response which she gets none. They never shared any romantic moment together during the years when they worked together. The feeling from Ms. Kenton side is known only when Mr. Stevens meets her after years, where she says that she often imagines how happy she would have been if she had been with Mr. Stevens. But Mr. Stevens feelings are still not clear. Mr Stevens also muses over the lost oppertunity but never he admits about his love. Now he is going focus on the 'remains of the day' whatever effort he could muster to attend to his new employer likes banter.

Mr. Darlington initially exerts his influence in paccifying the situation in Germany by inviting important guests, but later on he is dubbed as the pro-Nazi and falls from grace. Mr. Stevens is one loyal employee and devotes completely to him. 


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