Around the World in Eighty Days - Jules Verne

Around the World in Eighty Days - Jules Verne

This is a classic novel, about a man venturing out to visit the entire world in 80 days. The man is Phileas Fogg, an impeccable English gentleman. He is rich but no one knows how he earned his fortune. He is very eccentric and unimpassioned. His daily routine is fixed to the second. He fired his old servant because the temprature of the water was off by a few degrees. He was a member of Reform Club of England and visited daily as part of his routine. In the club he played whist with his respectable club buddies.

Passepartout joins the services after Philease Fogg dismisses his old servant. Passepartout is a Frenchman, who has travelled extensively doing multiple odd jobs and not looking to settle down with a respectable master. He has no inclination what so ever to travel again.

The very same day, Passepartout joined, at the Reform Club, Phileas Fogg agreed to a bet with his club buddies to complete the circumference of the world in eighty days. Philease Fogg being an eccentric character agreed to bet amount twenty thousand and decided to leave London the very same day. The discussion started with the report of a bank robbery in news paper, and persuit of the thief. Where the discussion drifted to whether it was possible to catch the thief since the world was getting smaller as the whole world can be travelled within 3 months, to which Phileas Fogg said it could be done in 80 days with all the slacks build in. On this claim of Phileas none of the members agreed as they though it was impossble to make such a journey in so little a time, with so many unknown factors contributing to the delay.

Thus began the exciting journey of Phileas Fogg and his servant Passepartout.

The route that was to be followed was
London to Suez - Boat
Suez to Bombay - Boat
Bombay to Calcutta - Rail
Calcutta to Hong Kong - Boat
Hong Kong to Yokohama - Boat
Yokahama to San Francisco - Boat
San Francisco to New York - Rail
New York to London - Boat/Rail


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